We are having problems with our organist. My mom called him last week to tell him our songs (following the church's advice), and he was more than rude. He couldn't do anything we had picked... and even though we didn't mind and asked what he could do, he said that he had a repertoire... but didn't tell us what it consisted of. My parents have been trying to get someone else... cross fingers, hopefully this week.
This is what has been delaying the printing of our Ceremony Booklets. In the meanwhile here is what will go IN the booklet:
Père Jean B
Parents de la mariée/Parents of the Bride
Georgina & Michel L
Parents du marié/Parents of the Groom
Susan & George Jr. M
Grand parents de la mariée/Grandparents of the Bride
Marcelle Bax
Denise & Eugène L
Grand parents du marié/Grandparents of the Groom
Dorothy Beavers
Theresa & George Sr. M
Témoins/Maid of Honor & Bridesmaid
Elizabeth L
Fiona L
Témoins/Best Man & Groomsman
Anthony B
Michael M
Presents en pensées/Present in thoughts
Dorothy B
Alex B
Prélude & Procession
Chant d’Entrée - Entrance Song (French)
Debout resplendis - Standing Glowing
Première Lecture - First Reading (English)
By George M Sr.
Reading from the first letter of St Paul to the Corinthians 12:31- 13:8
If I am without love, it will do me no good whatever
Chant de Méditation - Meditation Song (French)
Je n'ai d'autre désir - I don't have any other desire
Psaume 23 - Psalm 23 (English & French)
By Elizabeth L & Fiona L
Alléluia (French)
Evangile - Gospel (French)
By Pere Jean B
A reading from the holy Gospel according to John 17, 20-26
May they be completely one
Célébration du Sacrement - Vows and Ring Ceremony (French & English)
By the couple
Chant de Louange - Hymn of Praise (French)
By Marcelle B & Fiona L
Devant Jésus - In front of Jesus
Prière des Epoux - Prayer of the Couple (English & French)
By the couple
Prière Universelle - Prayer of the Faithful (English)
By Anthony B & Michael M
Notre Père - Our Father (French)
By Assembly
Lord’s Prayer (English)
By Michael M
Ave Maria (music only)
Chant d’Envoi - Exit Song (French)
By Assembly
Couronnée d’étoiles - Crowned with stars