This is what has been delaying the printing of our Ceremony Booklets. In the meanwhile here is what will go IN the booklet:
Père Jean B
Parents de la mariée/Parents of the Bride
Georgina & Michel L
Parents du marié/Parents of the Groom
Susan & George Jr. M
Grand parents de la mariée/Grandparents of the Bride
Marcelle Bax
Denise & Eugène L
Grand parents du marié/Grandparents of the Groom
Dorothy Beavers
Theresa & George Sr. M
Témoins/Maid of Honor & Bridesmaid
Elizabeth L
Fiona L
Témoins/Best Man & Groomsman
Anthony B
Michael M
Presents en pensées/Present in thoughts
Dorothy B
Alex B
Père Jean B
Parents de la mariée/Parents of the Bride
Georgina & Michel L
Parents du marié/Parents of the Groom
Susan & George Jr. M
Grand parents de la mariée/Grandparents of the Bride
Marcelle Bax
Denise & Eugène L
Grand parents du marié/Grandparents of the Groom
Dorothy Beavers
Theresa & George Sr. M
Témoins/Maid of Honor & Bridesmaid
Elizabeth L
Fiona L
Témoins/Best Man & Groomsman
Anthony B
Michael M
Presents en pensées/Present in thoughts
Dorothy B
Alex B
Prélude & Procession
Chant d’Entrée - Entrance Song (French)
Debout resplendis - Standing Glowing
Chant d’Entrée - Entrance Song (French)
Debout resplendis - Standing Glowing
Première Lecture - First Reading (English)
By George M Sr.
Reading from the first letter of St Paul to the Corinthians 12:31- 13:8
If I am without love, it will do me no good whatever
By George M Sr.
Reading from the first letter of St Paul to the Corinthians 12:31- 13:8
If I am without love, it will do me no good whatever
Chant de Méditation - Meditation Song (French)
Je n'ai d'autre désir - I don't have any other desire
Psaume 23 - Psalm 23 (English & French)
By Elizabeth L & Fiona L
Alléluia (French)
Evangile - Gospel (French)
Je n'ai d'autre désir - I don't have any other desire
Psaume 23 - Psalm 23 (English & French)
By Elizabeth L & Fiona L
Alléluia (French)
Evangile - Gospel (French)
By Pere Jean B
A reading from the holy Gospel according to John 17, 20-26
A reading from the holy Gospel according to John 17, 20-26
May they be completely one
Célébration du Sacrement - Vows and Ring Ceremony (French & English)
By the couple
By the couple
Chant de Louange - Hymn of Praise (French)
By Marcelle B & Fiona L
Devant Jésus - In front of Jesus
Prière des Epoux - Prayer of the Couple (English & French)
Devant Jésus - In front of Jesus
Prière des Epoux - Prayer of the Couple (English & French)
By the couple
Prière Universelle - Prayer of the Faithful (English)
By Anthony B & Michael M
Notre Père - Our Father (French)
By Assembly
Prière Universelle - Prayer of the Faithful (English)
By Anthony B & Michael M
Notre Père - Our Father (French)
By Assembly
Lord’s Prayer (English)
By Michael M
Ave Maria (music only)
Chant d’Envoi - Exit Song (French)
By Assembly
Couronnée d’étoiles - Crowned with stars
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