Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Throwing rice, blowing bubbles...

There are so many options for when you get out of church, and we definitely considered a lot of them. The top choices were:
1. Stealing my mom's hydrageas in the garden, and removing each flowers to throw
2. Bubbles were my future mother in law's idea
3. Ribbon Wands....
Hydrageas were the best idea, but as we are DIYing a lot of the wedding, I don't know who would have had time for an extra project. Then I found this (on MarthaStewart.com):That was it, and finally bought all the supplies: tags, bells, & ribbons

Why a tag would you ask? So people know to RING and NOT THROW the bells. I know it sounds dumb, but my mom asked me: "What are we supposed to do with that? Throw it at you?" That scared me, so I decided to put a note: RING... no confusion.

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